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Posts from ‘April, 2011’

Cheap electric cars will be driven by supply chain expansion …

A cheaper electric car will come as the result of high-volume manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries, not a new technology, according to a new report.

10 steps to push electric vehicle adoption | Smartplanet

Before electric vehicles hit any tipping point a lot of collaboration and technology milestones need to be reached.

U.S. DOE, Google hitch up for electric vehicles — Autoblog Green

Last week, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the availability of $5 million in additional funds to support community-based efforts aimed at advancing the deployment of electric vehicle infrastructure and charging stations

Electric car crash tests results out

If the rising gas prices have you thinking about buying an electric car – listen to this. There’s new safety information about those vehicles released for the first time by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

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