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Posts from ‘January, 2013’

All Electric Vehicle | 2013 Coda of Silicon Valley | San Jose, CA | DGDG.com

www.codasiliconvalley.com All Electric Vehicle | 2013 Coda of Silicon Valley | San Jose, CA | DGDG.com Welcome to CODA of Silicon Valley! Kent Fields is the Electric Vehicle Specialist of our facility, check out this video showcasing the CODA!

Carlos Ghosn Discusses Electric Car Revolution : TreeHugger

This interview with Nissan-Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn goes over the current state of the electric car market, and where Mr. Ghosn sees it going next.

VéLV A French Urban Electric Vehicle Idea From Peugeot Citroën

Peugeot has debuted the VéLV, a futuristic looking three wheel electric car developed with the urban driver in mind.

Electric Vehicles Rev into the Future – Nicholas School Blogs – Duke

Sales numbers on electric vehicles were up in 2012, but lower than automakers' projections. But the goings-on at the recent auto show suggest some hot trends on the electric front.

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