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Hybrids vs Electric Vehicles vs Plug-in Hybrids (Infographic)

Looking for a quick crash course in the world of electric vehicles in a single infographic? Well look no further. Fix.com has put together a nifty infographic that explains the differences between hybrids, electric vehicles, and … …

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Hybrids vs Electric Vehicles vs Plug-in Hybrids (Infographic)

London Is Just 97% Away From Electric Vehicle Target | Londonist

In a promise which has come back to haunt him more than once, the mayor said in 2009 that he would have 100,000 electric vehicles on the streets by 2020. According to the mayor's Electric Vehicle Delivery Plan, it was going … …

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London Is Just 97% Away From Electric Vehicle Target | Londonist

San Francisco International Airport Receives Grant For High-Speed …

The new 480-volt electric vehicle charging stations will be located at the airport's Cell Phone Lot, and charge cars in about 30 minutes. …

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San Francisco International Airport Receives Grant For High-Speed …

Audi draws up plans for range of electric cars, report says

Audi has drawn up blueprints for a range of high-performance electric cars to help it take on its German rivals and Tesla Motors if the market picks up, sources at the carmaker told Reuters. …

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Audi draws up plans for range of electric cars, report says

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