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Posts from ‘June, 2011’

First-ever European Electric Vehicle Congress to be held in …

The first-ever European Electric Vehicle Congress (EEVC) will be held in Brussels, Belgium in late October, 2011.

Driverless cars ease French transport pressures

It sounds like something from science-fiction — but it’s actually the latest brainwave from town planners in western France. Small electric cars without drivers, which can steer themselves through the streets taking locals and tourists around town

Is it certain that electric cars will be the future? – Ask Tech Geeks

Will the west be set on using electric cars as the way forward or do you reckon there'll be a mix of electric cars and cars like ethanol powered cars, bio fuels and such. Tech Questions: Will cars be in a big loss when ..

Nissan Says U.S. Electric Leaf Sales May Reach 12000 in 2011 …

Nissan Motor Co., aiming to be the world's largest seller of electric cars, expects to deliver as many as 12000 battery-powered Leaf hatchbacks to U.S. customers this year as orders are confirmed and production quickens.

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