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Posts from ‘November, 2011’

Integrating e-vehicles into modern infrastructures – Highlights from Orgalime Showcase Event

www.orgalime.org New technologies and innovation are key for sustainability. They are the second pillar of the European transport policy. Hybrid and electric vehicles have a high potential to help meeting EU policy targets and enable individual mobility

Plugging into an electric vehicle revolution

A road trial of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which could one day end up in every Australian driveway, is underway.

Eaton’s Kuipers on e-vehicles and energy transition challenges – Interview @ Orgalime

www.orgalime.org http New technologies and innovation are key for sustainability. They are the second pillar of the European transport policy. Hybrid and electric vehicles have a high potential to help meeting EU policy targets and enable individual mobility

Are Electric Vehicles The Future Of Travel? | Articles Ezine Daily

Electric energy cars are still relatively unfamiliar to most people and their potential popularity is yet to be determined. Electric cars have only recently become a workable option for getting around

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