If you were asked what the best U.S. city for electric cars will be, what would you say? A compact city where keeping within your new e-car's range would be a cinch
Posts from ‘November, 2011’
Are electric vehicles over-hyped?
Just as fuel cell vehicles were over-hyped 10 years ago, electric vehicles are in a similar scenario today – but that does not mean they cannot live u.
PROFNET EXPERT ALERTS: Electric Vehicles / Liberian Elections …
PROFNET EXPERT ALERTS: Electric Vehicles / Liberian Elections / Enron. Nov.
What BMW Really Thinks About Electric Vehicles | Co.Exist: World …
Last week, BMW upset electric vehicle lovers everywhere when Jim O'Donnell, the company's North American chairman and CEO, said that EVs won't work at their current battery range for at least 90% of the population–and that the U.S. …