Sometimes it seems like a new flashy electric car is announced every week. But the CEO of BMW North America–which has at least two electric vehicles on tap–just announced that he doesn't think EVs will work for more than 10% of the …
Posts from ‘November, 2011’
Study Forecasts Increase in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Sales Over …
The Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Manufacturing industry will pick up speed over the next five years. Revenue is anticipated to increase 6.3% per year to $4.2 billion in the five years to 2016,
Converting Your Car To An Electric Vehicle : TreeHugger
Gasoline-powered cars. They are perhaps the most inefficient device that many of us use daily. We really should all be driving electric vehicles (or none at all see this post)
La Poste orders 10000 electric vehicles from Renault |
La Poste has placed an order for 10000 electric vehicles from Renault, as part of a government initiative designed to spur on the low-carbon drivetrain technology.