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Posts from ‘April, 2012’

RMV: Electric Vehicle Plate – Commonwealth Conversations …

MassDOT Secretary Richard A. Davey and MassDOT Registrar Rachel Kaprielian today joined Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Richard K.

Electric Cars Will Save Us — NOT! » The Antiplanner

Considering the high initial cost of electric cars , and the low environmental benefits except in places (mainly on the Pacific Coast) that get most of their electricity from non-fossil-fuel sources, the cost per ton of reduced carbon …

Mobile lab takes hybrid electric vehicle technology on the road

Visitors to Michigan Technological University's hybrid electric vehicles mobile lab—on display in Washington, DC, this week— will get to fabricate and test batteries made from common household items, ride a specially …

General Electric CEO says electric vehicles will reach 'tipping point'

True belief or wishful thinking?That's the question some may ask about General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt and his statement that electric vehicles will.

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