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Posts from ‘June, 2012’

USA: Take Cracker Barrel's Electric Vehicle Road Trip

Cracker Barrel and friends drive a caravan of electric vehicles to four Cracker Barrel locations in the Dallas/Ft.

Electric cars: A shopper's cheat sheet | Grist

I've been thinking about upgrading to an electric car for awhile now. And in today's market, there are plenty of models to choose from. But having a lot of options makes for a complicated decision! Each model of electric car has ..

That presents Endesa charger electric vehicles to return Enables

The new charge point features V2G ( vehicle to grid) and V2H ( vehicle to home) Allowing technology to consume the electricity Whether stored in Their electric car, power Their home events or return the surplus. The charger …

Nissan Sentra Electric Car Conversion Part 23 | Electric Vehicle …

A video series of converting a Nissan Sentra car into an electric car. Disclaimer: This video is strictly intended as an.

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