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Posts from ‘June, 2012’

Smith Electric Vehicles Announces Appointment of John F. Smith to …

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Smith Electric Vehicles Corp. (Smith), a leader in all-electric commercial vehicles, today announced the.

Edison's battery goes ultrafast, charges in 2 mins | Electric Vehicle …

Thomas Edison designed the rechargeable nickel-iron battery in the early 1900s to power electric vehicles . It was used in electric cars until about 1920

USA: City charged up over electric vehicle chargers

Shelbyville will be able to provide juice to the newest form of transportation some time in the future. Electric vehicle charging systems are set to be.

USA: Employer Plug-In Electric Vehicles Readiness Survey

As you may be aware, the Bay Area has the highest rate of PEV adoption in the state of California. Responses to this survey will help us to gauge local Bay.

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