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Posts from ‘June, 2012’

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Utility Demand [Webinar] | The …

Examining electric vehicle charging stations and how they impact utility demand is the focus of today's Game Changers webinar at 2p ET.

Hahn Offers Amendment to Bolster Electric Vehicle Alternatives for …

Just last month, the DOE announced a $5 million program to spur electric vehicle adoption—seeking proposals that address barriers to the adoption of these vehicles and drive market development and transformation to make …

What PC Gaming Taught Electric Cars About Batteries

Battery-cooling technology perfected for gaming PCs has allowed batteries in electric vehicles to operate in extreme temperatures.

Car Crapper: WHEELS On BRISK: Electric Vehicle News

Nissan Leaf electric vehicles will be tested for use as taxicabs in New York City for about six months from July, a Nissan official said Tuesday.

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