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Posts from ‘July, 2012’

Will electric vehicles put parts/repair shops out of business?

If I may add to this… Was in Auto Zone last week. I would say more than half of the inventory and what is sold are ICE related components.

U.S. House Approves Bill Calling for U.S. Capitol Electric Vehicle …

who brought forth the bill, is hopeful that it “will make owning electric vehicles more accessible for consumers and encourage others to install charging stations”. His office also believes that the bill will see floor time rather …

Asia: NUS launches micro electric vehicle study

Ten micro electric vehicles will be zipping around the National University of Singapore (NUS) campus over the next year as part of an urban transport study.

Ford C-MAX Energi plug-in hybrid gets 95 MPGe – Electric Vehicle …

The new Ford C-MAX Energi is expected to achieve more than 20 miles of electric -only range – nearly double the Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid – and a 550-mile overall range to become the first hybrid vehicle ever that can be …

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