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Posts from ‘July, 2012’

Keeping electric vehicle batteries cool | Transportation

Heat can damage the batteries of electric vehicles – even just driving fast on the freeway in summer temperatures can overheat the battery.

CO2 Emissions, Electric Vehicles, The New EPA Label, and a Great

A Scientific American post in April (by Julia Pyper, originally posted on Climatewire) captured a basic challenge facing people who want to buy electric vehicles as a way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions: An all-electric …

Electric Vehicles Slow to Take Off With Consumers | Cheap Car …

A number of recent reports have shown that U. S drivers have been slow to warm up to electric vehicles (EVs). While sales of hybrids are skyrocketing, EVs like the Nissan Leaf are seeing declining sales.

Electric Vehicle trials in Perth shows charging station need

An extensive trial of 11 converted electric vehicles in Perth involving state and local governments, the private sector, and UWA is providing comprehensive data on how electric vehicles can be a part of WA infrastructure.

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