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Posts from ‘July, 2012’

UK: Range Anxiety Leads Electric Vehicle Infrastructure to Step up a …

EV charging stations are primarily found in the residences of EV drivers, while public charging stations are almost absent along highways in many.

Like The Plug, Not The Range: Leaf Owner Trades In For Volt …

“The (U.K.) charging network has failed to keep up with the sale of electric cars ,” he said. “Although the … That's okay if you're on your own, but it doesn't impress your passengers and doesn't help the cause of electric cars .” ..

European electric vehicle charging-station revenue will jump tenfold …

Here's one European “union” that plug-in advocates will support.Europe's electric – vehicle charging station revenue will jump more than tenfold by the.

With WattStation Connect, GE using PayPal for electric vehicle fill-ups

It's not too difficult to make the case that PayPal has already played a large role in the modern resurgence of electric vehicles . After all, Elon Musk.

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