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Posts from ‘July, 2012’

GreenTech Automotive Unveils Revolutionary All-Electric MyCar …

July 6, 2012 – GreenTech Automotive (GTA), a U.S.-based manufacturer of environmentally friendly, energy-efficient vehicles, today unveiled its revolutionary MyCar, a two-seat all- electric vehicle that produces zero emissions …

Buyers shun plug-in electric cars | ThePromoter News – Fresh News …

Sales of the all- electric Nissan Leaf, which can travel about 75 miles on a single overnight charge, plummeted 69% in June from a year earlier. …

Electric Vehicles Slow To Gain Traction

For as much hype as has been received by electric vehicles , and the money spent to promote them to drivers eager for a fossil fuel alternative, US drivers have been slow to choose them over their gas guzzling brethren.

Today's Electric Cars Could Sell for Less Tomorrow – KickingTires

When Nissan began taking reservations for the Leaf all- electric car in April 2010, Greg Tyler was among the first to plop down the $99 fee. Nineteen months later, the 59-year-old college professor was handed the keys.

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