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Posts from ‘August, 2012’

Electric Cars are on the rise, at least in 16 Leading Cities

In other news today, Electric Vehicles, or EV’s are on the rise with a little push from 16 big cities around the world. While California may lead the US in green-biofuel equipped stations, LA is but one of the cities that are trying to sell 6 million plug in, electric cars by the year 2020

Global Electric Vehicle Associations and Incentives Database

This database gives the list of incentives for Electric Vehicle globally for different regions and countries on registration tax, road tax, value added tax, cash incentives and non cash incentives to encourage electric vehicle …

Electric Cars Exposed

Website: MrEnergyCzar.com Electric Cars Explained.

Pikes Peak 2012 Top 5 Car Finishers

These were the top 5 finishing cars from fifth to first at Pikes Peak 2012 at Gilly’s Corner.

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