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Posts from ‘May, 2013’

VIDEO: PG&E Helps to Install Electric Vehicle Chargers in Muir …

MILL VALLEY — The quiet operation of an electric car seems like the perfect complement to the majestic stillness of the Muir Woods in Marin County. And after the unveiling of two public EV chargers on Thursday (May 16) at ..

Creekside Electric Cars 2013

The electric car timings in Mr. Davises 7th period tech-ed class.

Can the Electric Car Save the Global Economy? – Profit Confidential

Financial analyst Mitchell Clark absolutely believes that energy innovation will help the U.S. economy tremendously over the coming years.

U.S. Musters Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Partners | Environment News …

WASHINGTON, DC, May 20, 2013 (ENS) – To foster the adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles , the U.S. Energy Department has embarked on a new public-private partnership to develop the country's hydrogen infrastructure.

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