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Posts from ‘May, 2013’

Will Electric Vehicles Drive Mechanics Out of Business? – Inside EVs

Take, for example, an article posted by The Street. Though there are several inaccuracies (the author uses a Chevy Volt as an example of an electric vehicle that requires little service…huh?) within the article that we won't …

BMW aims to beat competitors with electric vehicle focus – Luxury Daily

German automaker BMW is aiming to beat out the competition by pushing its i concept electric vehicles with the i3 set to be in-stock this year. Since electric vehicles are a new product to many consumers, automakers that ..

More than 100,000 electric vehicles now on the roads in U.S. | Grist

Sales of the Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S helped the industry reach this milestone.

Why Electric Cars Suck

Why I don’t think electric cars are the future.

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