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Posts from ‘May, 2013’

Electric cars slow to gain traction in Germany

Germany plans to have one million electric vehicles on its roads by 2020, but so far that goal seems remote as the nation's motorists have shown little love for the quietly humming vehicles.

Top 33 Electric Vehicle Stories Of 2013 (So Far) | PlanetSave

We're trying to get more electric vehicle (EV) stories going here on Planetsave.

Study Evaluates Impact of Nanotechnology Innovation for Improving …

Lithium (Li-ion) batteries used to power plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles show overall promise to “fuel” these vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but there are areas for improvement to reduce possible …

Electric Vehicle Fleet Power | The Green Economy

For the first time, a fleet of electric vehicles is earning revenue when they collectively discharge their batteries onto the grid, selling into the PJM wholesale power market.

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