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Posts from ‘May, 2013’

Electric Vehicle Market Looks for a Recharge: Scientific American

Fisker Automotive is on life-support despite a government loan, but electric vehicle innovators continue to draw a road map for the industry.

Electric car casualty: Coda files for bankruptcy – LA Biz Observed

coda.jpg Boy, that was a disaster.

Electric Vehicle Maker Coda Drives Into Bankruptcy | EarthTechling

Coda Automotive out of California, hoping to make ends meet through its electric sedan, instead finds itself sadly entering the electric car dead pool.

Hank Paulson Burned As Another Electric Car Maker Goes Up In …

It would appear that (apart from Tesla, for now) that any thing related to electric cars is going up in flames. From Fisker's fubar (and blowing all that hard-earned government funding) and Chevy's Volt dysphoria to A-123 ..

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