General Motors and Nissan are slashing the prices of their electric cars to try and make up for lagging sales. If the price tag is no longer a barrier to people buying electric cars , and they're good for the environment, and they're
Posts from ‘June, 2013’
Are Electric Cars Really That Cool? | Indy's News Center – 93.1 …
Mayor Ballard's affinity for electric vehicles is well known, with major announcements recently on the electric conversion of the entire city fleet and for what's expected to be the largest electric car -sharing service in the U.S. The
Lifetime Costs of Electric Cars Within 10% of Competing Vehicles …
But drivers should think again, according to a new analysis from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
Monthly Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Sales Update (May 2013 …
It's also quite uplifting that overall sales of conventional hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are up by a strong degree, and that sales of 100% electric vehicles (led by the Leaf) are up by a great degree. Nissan Leaf.