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Posts from ‘June, 2013’

PluggedSolar Can Make Electric Vehicles – Tesla, Leaf, Honda Fit …

PluggedSolar is simply plugged into the household electric socket as a common household appliance.

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Owners Could Pay Additional Taxes …

If you live in a state that charges gasoline tax and you drive an electric or hybrid vehicle , you may have to start paying extra fees.

Electric Car Company Better Place Bankrupt, Burns Nearly $1 Billion …

Electric cars just took a major detour, at least in Israel. Behind the company Better Place, the country had been Europe's foremost champion for electric cars , vowing to replace all gasoline-run cars with electric ones over the …

Clean Energy and Electric Vehicles | The Energy Collective

May 2013 was a terrible month for electric vehicles , wasn't it? Well, no, in fact, it wasn't.

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