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Posts from ‘October, 2013’

New York Manhole Covers To Deliver Power to Electric Vehicles …

Electric vehicles are a pretty good solution for the very serious problem of particulate and carbon pollution that cars and trucks pour into the air. But adoption has been slow because drivers aren't willing to risk running out of  ..

Online Coordinated Charging Decision Algorithm for Electric … – arXiv

Abstract: The large-scale integration of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) to the power grid spurs the need for efficient charging coordination mechanisms. It can be shown that the optimal charging schedule smooths out the  …

Volvo Develops Structural, Supercapacitor Nanobatteries For Future …

Batteries in electric and hybrid cars –and this may not come as much of a surprise–are large, and they're heavy.

How Electric Vehicles Are Hitting The Race Track | Popular Science

At a Colorado course, electric machines are the new performance vehicles .

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