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Posts from ‘October, 2013’

As Electric Vehicles "Lose Their Spark" State Governments Try to …

Kirk Kardashian examines the headwinds confronting the much-hyped, but poorly selling, E.V. industry in the aftermath of a disappointing year. Meanwhile California, New York and six other states have announced plans to  ..

A Boost for Electric Vehicles: Eight States Set New Goals for EV …

Eight states, representing a quarter of the new vehicle market, announced a joint plan today to put 3.3 million zero-emission vehicles on America's roads by 2025.

The EV-Hater's Guide to Hating Electric Cars – Green Options

Steve Harvey has a very snarky post over at plugincars.com. Why DO some people hate electric cars so much? Here goes: Electric vehicles are a sales flop and a…

If US states want to really put 3.3 million electric cars on the road …

California, New York and six other US states announced yesterday they would collaborate to put 3.3 million electric cars on the road by 2025, by promoting the installation of charging stations and encouraging ownership of  …

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