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Posts from ‘March, 2014’

GEVCU – an Open Generalized Electric Vehicle Control Unit

At Hackaday we're very happy to see the increasing number of open hardware devices that appear everyday on the internet, and we're also quite thrilled about open-source electric cars . Pictured above is the GEVCU, an  …

Half Of All Cars Banned From Paris Roads Over Smog; Electric Cars …

However, drivers of electric and hybrid vehicles will be exempt from the restrictions, reports The Independent, as are taxis, buses, emergency vehicles and cars carrying three or more people.

Poll: Top-Selling Electric Cars In US & Europe In 2014 …

I'm basically just curious what you think will be the top-selling electric cars of the year in the US and Europe. In the case of Europe, it's very hard to track down reliable data for many countries

Tales of a Shock Jockey: 6 Misconceptions about Electric Vehicles …

I tend to get a lot of playful (and in some instances, not-so-playful) ribbing about investing in an electric car .

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