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Posts from ‘April, 2014’

Audi A3 E-Tron 100% Green Electric Vehicle Charging with …

Opponents to electrified vehicles, such as the Audi A3 E-Tron plug-in hybrid electric vehicle , may object to their supposed environmental benefits, citing that they simply push emissions up the line to the power supplier.

Smith Electric Vehicles quietly stopped production in Kansas City …

Sometimes, you just don't want anyone to know what's happening. That's how Smith Electric Vehicles must have felt about stopping production of its all-electric delivery trucks in Kansas City, MO late last year

Silent But Deadly: The EU Wants Electric Cars to Add Sounds for …

Last week, the European Parliament ruled that all electric and hybrid cars must add artificial engine noise so that pedestrians can hear them coming. While the mandate is mostly to protect visually impaired pedestrians, theĀ …

Silent But Deadly: The EU Wants Electric Cars to Add Sounds for …

Last week, the European Parliament ruled that all electric and hybrid cars must add artificial engine noise so that pedestrians can hear them coming. While the mandate is mostly to protect visually impaired pedestrians, theĀ …

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