Are natural gas-powered cars going to put electric cars out of business?
Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’
Prius Success Undermines Attacks On Electric Vehicles | U.S. …
That these conservative pundits have clearly been proven wrong with time is a lesson for today's pundits who suggest that current electric car sales mean that electric cars will never be successful. As Bloomberg reporter Jamie …
$2.4 Billion in Federal Spending Resulting in Fewer Electric Cars …
President Obama has made a goal of one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015 — but that will not come to pass by a long shot, according to a report by CBS News, which found only 300000 electric vehicles on the road …
Monte Alto Stage of Electric Marathon Will Feature The Largest …
Car producers and private owners of electric cars from all over the world will take part in the electric car race. The vehicle will compete over the whole route for technical achievements and at the end of each day, the winning ..