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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

LIVE – Plug-In Barcelona; Plugging in vehicles to reduce pollution …

Its LIVE Barcelona Project with LIVE standing for Logistics for the Implementation of the Electric Vehicle gains much significance in this respect. LIVE Barcelona, as it is generally known, is an open public-private platform that ..

Fuel Fix » Nissan EVs tested in New York amid standard debate

But it is still unclear whether New York will opt for CHAdeMo. Electric vehicles ' limited cruise range means they can be used only for short trips, or towns must invest in building charging stations. “If we can get the combination …

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Interactive-Map | Boston …

Find out where you can charge your electric vehicle around Boston with the new EVboston map- accessible via your smart phone or desktop computer. EVboston promotes electric vehicle use in Boston and is part of Mayor …

Anti-Hype in Lithium-ion Batteries Foretells Doom for Electric Cars …

Anti-Hype in Lithium-ion Batteries Foretells Doom for Electric Cars . John Petersen Despite billions of dollars in private investments and public subsidies, lithium-ion battery technology has progressed at a snail's pace for years ..