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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Audi R8 e-tron Acoustic Roller Dynamometer – Electric Vehicle News

Audi's future e-tron models will cover long distances powered by practically silent electric motors. To ensure that pedestrians in urban settings will hear them, the brand has developed a synthetic solution: Audi e-sound.

Hybrid And Electric Cars Won't Save You Money [Study]

If you're thinking about heading out to your local dealer to pick up a Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf or another hybrid automobile you might want to take a step.

Audi Leaks New e-Sound Being Developed for e-tron Electric Vehicles

To help pedestrians hear its upcoming electric models, Audi is developing a new solution that its dubbed Audi e-sound for its e-tron electric vehicles .

How Audi Makes Its Electric Cars Sound Like Futuristic Gas Guzzlers

Electric cars run nearly silent, which is great for minimizing noise pollution, but bad for pedestrians who can't hear a vehicle approaching. So Audi is developing an electronic engine roar so the company's e-Tron vehicles can …