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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Obama Calls for Electric Cars Everywhere

President Obama issues his 'EV Everywhere Challenge' calling for the development of electric cars that will be popular with consumers.

Northwest lab hoping to give jolt to electric cars – State & Federal …

WASHINGTON — As part of his plan to get 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015, President Barack Obama wants Congress to give buyers a tax credit of up to $10000 next year.

Electric Cars Face Issues in US | dailyQi

U.S. car company General Motors has made some tough business decisions regarding its electric -powered Chevrolet Volt.

Anxiety attacks are known in the world of electric vehicles in San …

Los Angeles – Anxiety attacks are known in the world of electric vehicles in San Francisco as “range anxiety” (anxiety battery range) seemed exaggerated neurosis other Californian. Until, in the fast lane of the Freeway 101 …