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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

The Future of Electric Vehicles: Batteries or Ultracapacitors? | Solar …

Electric vehicles are hogging the spotlight these days with their ability to operate without producing carbon emissions or the use of expensive fuel. EVs.

Marine Electric Vehicles 2011-2021 – Alaska Bird Seed

The rapidly rising marine electric vehicles sell to $2.3 billion will be unusually varied. It consists of on-water and marine electric vehicles for national waterways and the beach. Military electric craft dominate in market value …

new electric car battery technology from new zealand

a new electric car battery technology developed in new zealand may create a breakthrough in the charging of electric cars!

iPhone app syncs with electric vehicles to track & share savings …

GreenCharge is a new iPhone app designed to help electric vehicle owners track and share their driving patterns, fuel savings and environmental contribution over time.