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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Gen Y prefers hybrids over electric vehicles: study | SmartPlanet

A Deloitte survey of Generation Y consumers found that the age group strongly prefers hybrids over both all- electric and gasoline-powered vehicles .

UCR Today: Powering Electric Vehicles with Sunlight

January 17, 2012: University and partners receive $2 million award to build solar arrays, advanced battery storage, vehicle charging stations and an electric trolley.

Living Cars: World car of the Year 2011- Nissan Leaf

NewsX brings you an exclusive first drive of the world car of the year 2011 Nissan Leaf on Indian roads. It’s a complete green car and yet it beats its rival petrol and diesel cars hollow.

Electric Vehicles: Right For Your Fleet? | FleetCarma

FleetCarma was recently featured in Fleet Digest Magazine / autosphere.ca in an article written by Jil McIntosh discussing electric vehicles (EVs) and thei.