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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

That Other electric vehicle | The Science Friday Blog

There's plenty of concern expressed in the media, right now, about weak consumer demand in electric cars . Bad press about the Chevy Volt's battery fires (long after a crash, for goodness sake) and continued range anxiety …

Vs. Hybrid Electric Cars: A Brief « The Automotive News and Review

Electric vehicles and hybrid cars could be to reduce the impact of automobile emissions of carbon dioxide environment.Electric, as the name suggests, is to run only through electric lithium-ion battery. With technology of …

rorty:::tort: A Glance At Electrical Cars On Our Roads

It was in several European countries that they started introducing these automobiles, with government authorities alleging they will have a specific number of electrical cars on the road by a set time, obviously quite a few of the …

CES Report: What the Connected Car Means for Electric Vehicles …

Plus, the most fuel-efficient car in the U.S. is coming sooner than anticipated.