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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Trends for electric vehicles in 2012

As 2011 draws to a close, the environment for electric vehicle adoption remains positive — despite a dramatically altered political landscape, which could result in reduced federal financial support for pilots or individual …

Electric Vehicle History – Automotive Garage

An electrically powered car on a small scale model was found in 1828 in Hungary is considered by many as the first electric vehicles were created.

Electric Vehicles Video Blog Renewable Energy

During my research test driving fully electric cars , it is clear the EV ( electric vehicle ) technology is available now to meet any US sustainable energy goals. Adding more EV recharging station infrastructure is the key renewable ..

Electric Vehicles: Risks vs. Rewards | State of Oregon: Department …

In a perfect world, electric cars would be an ideal solution to a number of problems. They could provide pollution free transportation and end reliance on foreign oil supplies