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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

e-miglia electric vehicle rally kicks off August 2

2010 e-Miglia rally On August 2nd, the 2011 e-miglia electric vehicle rally will depart Munich, Germany.

Beijing shooting for 100000 electric vehicles on its streets by 2015

China's government has signed off on its 12th Five-Year plan and, among a series of other economic development initiatives, it stipulates that the city of.

Electric vehicle newcomers still in front after first round, but for how …

Smaller players will struggle with lack of scale, yet have products on sale. Larger established manufacturers are late to the game, but have massive.

Toyota to launch battery electric vehicle in 2012, fuel cell in 2015

Bob Carter, group vice president and general manager of the Toyota brand, came to Detroit on Monday to have lunch with some local media.