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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Can Electric Vehicles Take Off? A Roadmap to Find the Answer « To …

At first glance, the market outlook for electric vehicles seems bright; when compared on an energy-equivalent basis, electricity prices are 60 to 80 percent lower than gasoline prices. Yet the future of electric vehicles is far from ..

China BAK Battery, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBAK) – About Electric Cars

China BAK Battery, Inc.. is a manufacturer of rechargeable lithium-based battery cells. The company produces battery cells that are.

ENERGY DEPT: Making Electric Cars Is The Single Most Important …

The most important role of the DOE is investing in research to develop hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery- electric , and fuel cell vehicles . These have the most long-term potential and, as the report acknowledges, the current ..

What good is an electric vehicle if there's no electricity?

A Glut Of EVs Could Make America's Shoddy Power Grid Even WorseThe increasingly rickety American power grid seems to short out for all sorts of.