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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Energy storage, electric vehicles and intermittency | Smart Grid …

Electric Vehicles (EVs) will have significant impact on the local grid with respect to power and energy flows. Magnitude and direction will alter in ways previously unheard of.

Hertz to Begin Renting Electric Cars in China

HONG KONG — In the West, electric cars appeal to a do-it-yourself environmentalist personality, one who believes in taking individual actions to help address the collective problems of air pollution and global warming.

Problem With Electric Vehicles in China : Top China Blog …

Electric vehicles are probably the things of the future. 'hey pass me a 40′ Obama wants a million of them on the road by '15, a few years after his tired ass is no longer gracing the white house

Increasing Popularity of Electric Vehicles | Go Green

Due to the increase in the cost of gas, the popularity of electric vehicles is growing. Many people are starting to care a great deal about their environment and what they are leaving for future generations. …