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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Public Steering Clear of Electric Cars | Auto in the Know

Study Shows Americans Don't Want Electric Cars – With the results of a new study in, it's becoming clear that consumers aren't ready to adopt electric cars .

Will electric vehicles ever get popular : Auto Repair Information Blog

Why do people love golf carts and hate electric cars ? I believe by now all of the major automobile manufacturers have developed an electric vehicle of some kind.

MC Electric Vehicles To Unveil Wheego LiFe in Seattle | wheego …

ATLANTA (July 28, 2011) – WHEEGO ELECTRIC CARS , a U.S. manufacturer of all- electric cars , today announced that a Wheego LiFe has been delivered to their.

Electric Vehicles, the New Frontier? | The Energy Collective

Plug In 2011 Last Thursday the U.S. space shuttle touched down for the last time, and a part of history came to an end.