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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Study: Electric vehicles 90% less costly to … – Auto Green …

Electric utilities in the U.S. are encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles by rolling out electric vehicle -specific tariffs to their customers. These tariffs take different forms, ranging from time-of-use (TOU) … ..

Germany: Ready To Rock Electric Vehicles

Now, Germany is planning on having six million electric vehicles on its roads by 2030. This goes well beyond the country's original electric vehicle plan which called for one million electric cars on the road by 2020. …

Building an electric car – Top Gear – BBC

Jeremy, Richard and James attempt to save the planet by building their own electric car out of a TVR chassis and milk float batteries before descending on the streets of Oxford in their new creation. Go to www.youtube.com to see a full list of all high quality videos available on the Top Gear YouTube channel and don’t forget to visit www.topgear.com for all the latest news and car reviews.

The Advantages of Electric Cars | The Electric Car Revolution

Owning electric cars can be fun. These cars are often less powerful than gas-powered vehicles, but there are key reasons why you should be investing.