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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

GE Electric Vehicle Tour Stops in New York | Automotive Discovery

In its ongoing drive for adoption in the electric vehicle market, GE Energy Industrial Solutions and GE Capital Fleet Services will make a stop in New York City with GE’s National Electric Vehicle (EV) Experience Tour.

Electric car vs bike: Citroen Survolt vs Agni Z2

We’ve already shown video of Citroen’s electric-powered Survolt concept car, and now it takes on an electric Agni Z2 motorcycle in the world’s first electric cars vs bike showdown

World Bank says "new global electric vehicle value chain" worth …

One way is through a new global value chain for electric vehicles that is estimated to reach $250 billion by 2020. People’s crystal balls differ, but Hazimeh believes that it is “more than doable” and “likely” that somewhere between …

Electrical early 9 1 million electric cars electric motor gb …

Electric 17 As early as 9 o’clock news REVIEW Launch X431 Scanner Fault Code Reader Manufacturer Million electric vehicles to escape electric motor suspended GB TOYOTA TIS Techstream Gas gap over 400000 cubic meters of Wuhan city again …