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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Lack of Technical Standards Could Hinder Utilities' Readiness for …

The second comeback of the electric vehicle (EV) in little more than a decade has a much greater likelihood of success, and many in the industry believe that it will have a transformative effect on driving habits as well as the …

Check out the EPA's new electric vehicle page — Autoblog Green

Most notably is a new page dedicated solely to electric vehicles .

Are Electric Cars Worth the Price?

While electric cars are expensive and can double your energy bill when re-charging at home, many early adopters say they’re still worth the price, since they help the environment and reduce the need for foreign oil. (April 5)

Top 5 All-Electric Vehicles Of 2011 | Care2 Healthy & Green Living

Two years ago, we were wondering who killed the electric car, but now electric vehicles are all over the news and green websites like Care2. If you can’t tell the difference between a hybrid and a Hummer, this post is here to help.