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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

6 Electric Vehicle Concepts That Deserve a Production Run

Here are six concept electric cars that would change the game in performance, style, emissions, and driving range .

6 Electric Vehicle Concepts That Deserve a Production Run

Here are six concept electric cars that would change the game in performance, style, emissions, and driving range .

VIA Motors 402HP, 100mpg, Extended-Range Electric Truck | VIA …

Driving on electricity. The eREV powertrain by VIA enables larger vehicles , including vans and light trucks, to drive the first 40 miles in all- electric mode with near zero emissions, and a full range of 400 miles on a single fill-up.

End of government support could spell doom for electric vehicles …

The end of UK government subsidies may mean that running an electric car is more expensive than running a petrol one. Support from the Department for Transport, which covered installation and maintenance of chargers, …

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