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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Environment-friendly electric cars create flutter in Jalandhar

With a fuel price hike every other day a man in Jalandhar is dedicating himself in an effort to find an economical and ecological solution to fuel guzzling cars. Sumeet Aneja has come up with many attractive, viable and most importantly buy-able electric cars.

UK gov money to build electric car charge points (19Feb13)

Transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin announces plans by the government to give money to build electric car charging points across the UK. They forgot one thing, all the different cars have different charging connectors, so what are taxpayers going to end up with

Georgetown Law's Climate Center Supports Northeast Electric …

Georgetown Law's Climate Center has helped gather data and research as part of the Northeast Electric Vehicle Network. The Law Center, along with other states, have contributed to the network's report that shows growing ..

2013 Hybrid Camry


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