Japan is rather well known for a variety of things, but one of the more unique objects those interested in Japan might come across is their vending machines. …
Continued here:
Needs Exact Change: Japan To Charge Electric Vehicles At Vending …

Electric Vehicle Information Resource
Japan is rather well known for a variety of things, but one of the more unique objects those interested in Japan might come across is their vending machines. …
Continued here:
Needs Exact Change: Japan To Charge Electric Vehicles At Vending …
Is the Obama Administration’s goal of one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015 a way to break our dependence on oil? Is it a worthy goal? Is it doable? To get to the target, the Obama Administration wants to change the current … …
See the original post here:
Obama Administration Pushes Electric Vehicles | Institute for …
This is a debate between Electric and Hydrogen vehicles and which is better amongst the two. …
Originally posted here:
Electric vs Hydrogen cars, Hydrogen or Electric cars