As the globe expands more and more cars are hitting the roads causing pollution to the whole wide world, the much anticipated electric engine run cars are somewhat of a dream. But that dream may become a reality as the government have recently revealed that they will be going all out in the next few years to make sure that there are enough charge points for everyone to use. One of the main reasons that electric cars have not caught on enough yet is simply because of the fact that there is not enough places to charge them, it’s not like the current petrol stations that we have.
Once the electric cars do finally catch on it will not just be the environment that benefits a huge amount, but the most crucial benefit that we may see from this is that it could in fact save hundreds of thousands of lives by actually stopping causing accidents.
We all know that the rate that technology is advancing is exceptional, over the last two decades technology has accelerated to a new level that could of not even of been dreamt of a century ago. So with the new breed of technology comes safer procedures. Electric cars will be full of gizmos and gadgets that will help you become a lot safer. For example the vehicle could automatically place your seatbelt on you as soon as you get in.
But the thing I feel that is the safest is that people will no longer be able to speed. We all know electric cars are just not as powerful as the fuel cars and maybe they should be kept they way. The benefits is that they will be a lot more economical as well as save lives. If people cannot drive fast then that would eliminate a lot of dangerous driving, electric cars should only be able to travel at the most 70 miles per hour of something of similar nature.
There is a huge amount of ways that we can in fact benefit from technology, if it was just thought about and planned a bit more. I mean the police for example could be doing things a lot more constructive like stopping fights and abuse on the streets, in stead of checking for drink drivers, instead an immobiliser could be created that checks your breath when you get into the car. If you are over the limit then the car will not start, this would eradicate any drink drivers and it would be something that people would not have to worry about.
If you want to buy Buy a Car, Buy a Peugeot and Buy a Mazda
Article Source: How Electric Cars May Stop Accidents
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How Electric Cars May Stop Accidents