Hypothetically, if I decided to convert my already gas-friendly Civic into a completely electric powered vehicle, what type of Powertrain/batteries/electric motor/charge mechanism, etc. would I need to make the conversion? And what would be a rough cost of the parts altogether? I could do all the labor myself. I’ve seen a guy do it in his Triumph Spitfire online, and it’s done by himself and is quite quick. Thanx
To: Homer Being, the electric conversion would mean taking the engine out of the car, as well as everything else that the engine also complies with, like the exhaust system, and somehow replacing it’s space with batteries, a motor, and other electric components. However, a Hydrogen fuel conversion is, believe it or not, much more complicated and expensive. A brand new Hydrogen fuel vehicle right now sells for 1 million dollars, and though I don’t know much about it, I’m sure converting a car to this type of fuel can not be much more generous on the wallet. Besides, I’m not interested in this project simply for “beating gas prices” (I would fill my tank every day if it meant fun driving
I’m interested in this project for pure interest in making a unique gas-electric swap. Thanks anyway for the suggestion though.
Asked by:Blue Sky Dreaming