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Wouldn’t be easier to get people to buy vehicles that run on natural gas than electric or hybird vehicles?

I believe the average difference between a regular vehicle and a hybird of the same type is between $10,000 & $15,000. Don’t you think they could build a vehicle that runs on natural gas for a lot less than that?

Asked by:DONALD T

Where can I find an electric vehicle for low cost?

Our family is interested in electric mobility. My brother wants an electric scooter. My mom wants an electric or hybrid golf cart or car like vehicle that would be street legal. Something she doesn’t need a license for since she’d disabled she doesn’t have one. But she still wants to be able to get more groceries than she can carry or push in a wagon. I’m wanting a scooter too so I can get to the library and the park.
How can we find stuff like this for low cost or are there even kits or plans that you can build something like this?

Asked by:Kittara

Motors for cars – Electric?

what motors are available for electric conversions in vehicles

Power,Torque, Loads etc.

Asked by:Roger L

Is the power grid and generating capacity in the USA sufficient to handle broad conversion to electric cars?

As new cars of the future are rolled out showing commuters powering up their vehicles overnight at home from a power outlet, is there a need for electrical generating companies in the USA to add capacity or expand the power grid to accomodate the increased demand that may be coming should more commuters switch from gasoline to electricity for their daily transportation needs?

While the auto industry is gearing up to provide more electric cars, are the electric companies prepared to handle increased demand? Or is all of the above moving at such a glacial pace that rapid conversion measures or new capital spending for more plant are not necessary at this time?

Asked by:John S.

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