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is there a network for connecting bloggers to advertisers who want stories done on their business or product?

I have a network of five cleantech websites, one on solar, wind, biomass, electric vehicles, and green building. I write content all the time and have students who also submit stories. My traffic is ~400 per day and I’m open to doing paid stories on technology or products that fit within the scope of my topic areas. Is there a marketplace to share such opportunities? How can I attract paid press releases and advertisers?

Asked by:cadamie

Electric Conversion Vehicles Federal Tax Break?

I would like to know if anyone knows if there is any federal or state legislatures that gives incentive through grants or any other form of assitance to people who are considering converting their vehicle to Electric from Gasoline/Diesel.

I have a vehicle and there is a company out of Lehi UT that offers solutions for electric motors in vehicles.

Anyone knows about this sort of assistance?


p.s. I am in Colorado. Colorado is very prominent when it comes to protecting the environment. However, in recent years they have eliminated emmission testing on all vehicles.

Asked by:Titof

Who do I contact with an idea that would continuously keep an electric vehicles batteries recharged?

I’m sure I have developed a system that would increase mileage travelled between charges by at least 90%. Need to find someone who has the resourse to build a prototype, or a company who is willing to develope the concept.

Asked by:moosee

I have some questions on Electric Vehicle Conversions?

(1) Can a conversion be done with an automatic transmission vehicle? If so, How?

(2) What do all the components do? How do they work?

(3) Can it be done with a pickup/SUV without compromising the integrity of the vehicle (i.e. power, cargo space and capacity)?

Asked by:One Man Army

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