I have a 1500 dollar limit, and all the kits i looked at are over my limit.
Asked by:Luke

Electric Vehicle Information Resource
I have a 1500 dollar limit, and all the kits i looked at are over my limit.
Asked by:Luke
I’m planning a 144v DC electric vehicle conversion. I’m looking for a decent sealed lead acid or agm battery. I have heard about optima yellow tops but I can’t seem to find out the a/hr rating on them.
The web site is www.optimabatteries.com and they don’t list the A/HR rating, just cold cranking amps.
Asked by:Grant B
According to one electric vehicle builder, the electric vehicle “cottage industry” is allegedly being “killed” by some bad battery chargers and other other components:
To me, this explains perhaps why people can’t even easily build their own homebuilt EV’s.
My question is whether those new electric cars being sold by the hundreds in cities with “Congestion Tax” and “Pollution Toll” are using the Zivan battery chargers that are alleged to be killing batteries prematurely. Is there any way to find out if the Reva G-Wiz, the Maranello-4, Aixam Mega Van, Twike, and other brands of EV’s in UK, IItaly, India, Mexico, and Philippines are, or are not, using the Zivans charger? Is the EV “world” threatened by the Zivan charger, then? Are the electric vehicle manufacturers aware of the allegedly weak controllers, chargers that kill batteries and other suppossedly-bad components?
Asked by:Hello EV world
I’d like to create build a small simple Remote Controlled car that could move at a max speed of 10 MPH and hold up to 30 LBS
Asked by:chaotic_visionz