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Chemistry Conversion problem?

The Honda Insight, a hybrid electric vehicle, has an EPA gas mileage rating of 57mi/gal in the city.

How many kilometers can the Insight travel on the amount of gasoline that would fit in a soda pop can? The volume of a soda pop can is 355 .

Asked by:brock_1011

I need to mount a car tire on a motorcycle wheel. How can this be done? What tire will work?

I am building an electric vehicle prototype that is a ground-up new design (www.avianmotors.com). This is a 3-wheel vehicle with 2 wheels in the front and one in back (front steer). We have a working prototype. We are working on several options for the rear suspension.

Asked by:jeff_kotowski

Does anybody know of a cool electric vehicle conversion kit?

I don’t have any particular make or model of vehicle in mind. I would like to purchase and then convert a vehicle to electric drive.
Ken, sounds like you have too much time on your hands too. ;D

Asked by:Gilbert C

What would happen to gas powered vehicles if gas ran out?

Im wondering what would happen, would there be some kind of conversion kit for alternative fuel? Last thing i would want is to get a tiny electric vehicle, i would like something with raw power. What would happen to that nice big SUV or truck i plan on purchasing? Serious answers only, no environmentalist please

Asked by:Invisible Man

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